2025 Grievances with the U.S. government

  • Politicians
    • are allowing lawyers to run their office which is a conflict of interests and violation of the original 13 Amendment.
    • are allowing the bar to occupy all 3 branches of government without the approval of Congress or the Constitution
    • are allowing the Federal Reserve to issue private money which is unconstitutional.
    • are uneducated in American History and American law; therefore may be unqualified for any office
    • take money from lobbyists and hold stocks from corporations, a conflict of interest
    • many involved in insider trading or trading stocks, a conflict of interest and breach of the Public Trust
    • accepting bribes form lobbyists is an act of treason
    • pass laws without reading the bills, an act of treason
    • are in office sometimes beyond their cognitive capacity, which is a dereliction of duty, a burden on society and a national security concern and all those in Congress who agree with it are themselves complicit
    • Only the American flag (current or historical flags) or state flags should be in federal or state buildings. No other flags should be visible or waving within federal or state buildings or a top the buildings or outside the buildings on the property flag poles.
    • hoarding assets that belong to the American People such as natural resources
    • sending money to other countries without accountability: breach of the Public Trust
    • create agreement or treaties that place the American People in awkward situation on the global stage, which is a breach of the Public Trust
    • attempt to subvert the sovereignty of the People, which can’t be taken away since it originated from their creator and is unalienable, and doing such an act is a breach of the Public Trust and an act of treason. The American People are to feel safe in their persons, houses, papers (literal or digital), and effects at all times. Their information is not to be stored or sold off to anyone without their written permission and it cannot be done by deceit, coercion or fraud.
    • accept titles, such as honorable, when they should have no titles as stated in the original 13th Amendment.
    • claim to be one of the People when they are not. When they sign an oath they become a Public Servant.
  • Lawyers
    • extort the American People by promising the moon, forcing them to pay for justice with large amounts of money to consistently deliver ZERO results by their incompetence or to be forced to use a compromised public offender who is working down the hall from the City District Attorney. They are all friends and in court share the same title as officers of the court and are all working for and paid by the State.
    • Prosecutor claiming to represent The People was not voted into office
    • Prosecutor claims to have sovereign immunity and ability to grant it to his client. This is ubsurd. The prosecutor has no immunity and cannot give anyone immunity.
    • lawyers continually mock Pro se litigants. This is prejudice.
    • lawyers who show bias towards certain groups in the community violate their oath and the Public Trust.
    • lawyers who take any title of nobility violate the original 13th Amendment and the Public Trust
  • Judges
    • Should not be holding stocks or government bonds to profiteer which is a conflict of interest. If they ever held stocks or bonds, they should be disqualified from serving the public. At any time a case can arise where they are put in a compromising position by their stock holdings. It is better to NEVER allow for such a compromise. While in their office they are to retain fidelity to the American People and at all times remain unbiased (justice is blind).
    • knowingly send defendants to jails that would not pass OSHA inspections, that are equivalent to third world country conditions where defendants suffering from cruel and unusual punishment and where defendants due process rights are violated daily, pretrial, which is unconstitutional
    • knowingly punish defendants with excessive bail
    • knowingly profiteer from court cases
    • knowingly force the public to be misrepresented by greedy lawyers whose actions produce NO RESULTS but gladly extorts vast amount of money from the client and never disclose that their first priority is to the court, not the client. THIS IS FRAUD.
    • knowingly mock those who try to represent themselves knowing that it takes years to become a lawyer, who have an unfair and unlawful advantage.
    • any judge who violates due process, commits fraud and is disqualified from office.
  • Elections
    • Un-auditable. A 1% audit is insufficient and an illegiti audit. The American people should be able to review an election at any time and free of cost.
    • Electoral college should be abolished
  • The People’s Money
    • sent to other countries. There must be accountability and complete audits of any money or supplies sent to any country. Money should not be sent until all of Americans are helped
    • Money is funneled to other countries and then used to attack Americans with wacky insane programs used to injure Americans. This is treason and every dollar must be returned to the American People.
  • Lobbying is unlawful.
  • Hiding documents/evidence from the American people is unlawful. Where are all these documents:
    • the documents from John F. Kennedy’s assassination
    • the documents from 911 that explain WT7
    • the documents and audits explaining where the 2.3 trillions went missing from the Pentagon (from September 10, 2001 press conference)
    • the documents and audits explaining where the 2 trillions went missing from the Pentagon in November 2022
    • the receipts for all money (100 billion +) that went to Ukraine in 2022-2024
    • the January 6 videos not released publicly after 4 years
    • the January 6 evidence that is said to contain 1000 interviews that was deleted
  • Black programs
    • using tax dollars to hide technology that can alleviate pain and suffering, such as energy alternatives and medical cures being suppressed.
  • Agencies
    • Are subject to Congress and the Constitution at all times and must renew their oaths of office or have valid oaths or affirmations on file that is notarized, stamped and filed
    • All government agencies must be subject to FOIA and financial audits. They cannot conceal information and in doing so may be subject to termination of employment, nullification of their citizenship and possible deportation.
  • The Banks
    • are holding Federal Reserve private stock
    • commit fraud on a daily basis by charging the American People to borrow its own money
    • are stealing Americans property through fraudulent documents and unlawful processes, using ‘corporate fictions” which are not real living entities but only exist on paper

What is the Answer?

  • Require all politicians to pass a test that includes American History and Constitutional law.
  • Require all sessions of government to be televised where the People can once again legislate and giving ample time to review legistlature. No hiding processes or meetings.
  • Ban political parties and monitor all politicians with a scoring system; they either work for the People or they dont. If they fail they are removed from office and possibly kicked out of the country.
  • Require all politicians to wear a tracking device
  • Require televised audits for all elections
  • Cap all spending and require transparency for every tax dollar that government spends
  • All court rooms televised and video taped.
  • Internet Bill Of Rights (IBOR): To extend our constitutional rights online and protect digital assets.
  • Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012: changed back to not allow funding to spread propaganda to the American people.
  • The Patriot Act” to be abolished, as its unconstitutional.
  • FISA court to be abolished, as its unconstitutional.
  • A refund for all data that has been sold by the government through the IRS, FBI, DMV, or other agencies or Tech Companies who receive tax dollars, who are profiteering off of American’s proprietary data. Any data leaked to be refunding the actual lifetime value of the leaked data, multiplied by 10x.
  • A refund for all tax dollars wasted